DP's rant the other day about people in Boston using umbrellas to block the sun has inspired me to let out a quick rant...
Fuck the commuter rail.
If you are from Boston you are going to get this otherwise, well stop reading. I am used to the Green Line, which has it flaws, but it is cheap and it gets you to where you want to go. The commuter rail is expensive, full of pompous assholes, and it's delays are outrageous.
Lets start with the price. It's $4.75 each way. That's $9.50 a day to get into work. What the fuck is that about? Because it's a little nicer? Well first off it's slower, and takes me 45 minutes to get into Boston, and just having a seat is not worth the $3.05 extra then the Green Line.
Then there are the people. These fucking douchebags who block people from sitting with them. I don't have to deal with it, because I am one of the first stops on the way in, but I have seen people block their seat with their briefcase just so someone won't with them. Maybe in someway I understand it when the train isn't packed, but during rush hour these people are the lowest form of scum. I don't like people sitting next to me either. I'm an antisocial son of a bitch when it comes to people I don't know like to the point that I would rather slap a baby in the face then have to listen to one more forced conversation about the weather, but this is taking it way too far. I saw a guy the other day that wouldn't let this woman (had to be in her 60's) sit next to him on a packed train. I almost fucking lost it. Sure, one time I saw a guy not give up his seat to a blind guy on the Green Line, but that dude was on crack and well that's what you get for $1.70. Doesn't excuse the action, but still...
Finally there are the delays. If something goes wrong on the Green Line they bring a bus, and shit gets going. On the commuter rail you just sit. One day it took be 2 1/2 hours to get into work. That shit doesn't happen on the Green Line. So fuck you commuter rail.
Oh and one more thing, the fucking conductors, or whatever the hell they are called. You're job it to punch a bunch of tickets. If someone has to pay on board stop acting like it's the end of the world. Your job is a joke. In other countries they could get a chimp to do what you do, so take it easy, plus if the rumors are true you guys get paid a lot more then you ever should.
Ugh, anyways get to get that off my chest.
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